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june 21, 2023 - Merge Games

Nordic Horror Inspired Grim Adventure 'Bramble: The Mountain King' Hits Xbox Game Pass from June 27th!

Today publisher #mergegames and developer Dimfrost Studios are excited to reveal critically acclaimed grim adventure 'Bramble: The Mountain King' will be heading to #xbox Game Pass! For #xbox players eagarly awaiting the next wave of June Game Pass titles, Bramble will land for subscribers on June 27th. 

'Bramble: The Mountain King' draws on the powerful creatures and rich fables of Nordic myth to spin a unique tale of one boy's courage in the face of sinister creatures and maddening darkness.  

Take on the role of Olle, a young but brave boy, called by fate to adventure through the unsettling yet stunning environments of Bramble to rescue his sister from the clutches of beasts. 

Inspired by the Nordic folk tales of Dimfrost Studio's Swedish heritage, the dark adventure launched back in April receiving critical acclaim from press and players alike.

Regularly featured as a top trending game worldwide since the launch of its first demo for Halloween 2022, 'Bramble: The Mountain King' has spurred thousands of videos, streams and social posts from the industry's most notable content creators from Jackscepticeye to LIRIK and hundreds more.

Dwarfed by the sprawling world around you, navigate a sinister world of imposing beasts and hidden threats lurking in the dark. 

Decipher friend from foe on an unnerving journey of suspense and survival... you can save your sister, but can you save yourself?